There are two ways to get more space “invite friends” and upgrade your account
lets start with how to “invite friends“:
remember — each friend whom accepts an invite will grant both you and him 250mb FREE, forever,
they will be able to sign up immediately and you can only invite 4 friends so choose wisely.
seedr.ccoffers the following methods to get you free space.To get your free space , click one of the options below and you will be awarded for each 
(When you upgrade , all your free bonus space comes with you ! *
Post a review via Twitter and receive 500mb of storage, (Post your review include @seedrcoil in the post).
If you are a Blogger do a short article on how Seedr helped you, and we will credit you 500mb or 1000mb. Please note low quality articles get the lower amount
Do a short video on how Seedr has helped you !
Pin our image on your Pinterest, and receive 500mb to your account
So what are you doing there stop torrenting and be a seedr. NOW